

We receive many phone calls and e-mails about immigration law, asylum law and inheritance law. We cannot help you with such matters. For such matters, you can call Het Juridisch Loket on +318008020.

El Hannouche Law Firm

El Hannouche Law Firm is located in the Netherlands with its main office in Amsterdam and a branch office in Utrecht. The law firm is headed by attorney at law Jamal El Hannouche, LL.M., M.A.

El Hannouche Law Firm provides legal services in a wide range of areas. In addition to our broad legal experience, our law firm has extensive linguistic capabilities that enable us to communicate with our clients in their preferred language: Dutch, English, Arabic, Berber and Moroccan Arabic.

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Our law firm has several specialities, among which the most important are the following:

Family law:

  • Marriage and divorce
  • Settlement of family disputes
  • Child custody
  • Child support and spousal support (alimony)
  • Parental rights and parental obligations

Personal name law:

  • Change of first name (surname)
  • Change of last name (family name)

Criminal law:

  • Traffic crimes and traffic offenses
  • Theft
  • Embezzlement
  • Scam or fraud
  • Money laundering
  • Financial crimes in general


Our firm offers three types of consultations depending on your needs. Below we will discuss the nature, costs and duration of each of these types.


    Extensive Consultation Session

    An Extensive Consultation Session is an advisory session during which we provide you with legal and strategic advice regarding your case, and where necessary, carry out legal tasks such as researching Dutch and foreign laws and regulations, studying legal precedents, engaging with relevant parties, consulting registries and conducting alimony calculations.

    In order to provide you with comprehensive advice, we kindly request that you provide us with the pertinent documents related to your case beforehand, which we will review and, if necessary, include in our advice. During this session, we will also discuss whether it is advisable for us to continue supporting you, the anticipated duration of this process, and the associated costs.

    The fee for an Extensive Consultation Session is € 270 (including VAT). This fixed rate encompasses office expenses and potential disbursements such as extract fees. An Extensive Consultation Session will be conducted through a video conference or at our office in Utrecht. We allocate an hour and a half for an Extensive Consultation Session.

    Register for Extensive Consultation Session


    Standard Consultation Session

    A Standard Consultation Session is an advisory session during which we provide you with legal advice regarding your case, and where necessary, perform legal tasks such as researching Dutch laws and regulations and studying Dutch legal precedents.

    In this advisory session, we rely on the information and documentation provided by you and do not examine registries or other sources, nor do we establish contact with involved parties. During this advisory session, we will also discuss whether it is advisable for us to continue assisting you, the anticipated duration of this process, and the associated costs.

    The fee for a Standard Consultation Session is € 180 (including VAT). This fixed rate includes office expenses. A Standard Consultation Session will be conducted through a video conference. We allocate one hour for a Standard Consultation Session.

    Register for Standard Consultation Session


    Brief Consultation Session

    A Brief Consultation Session is an advisory session during which we provide you with legal information regarding your case based on readily available legal knowledge.

    In this advisory session, we rely on the information provided by you and do not review documentation, registries, or other sources, nor do we establish contact with involved parties. During this advisory session, we will also discuss whether it is advisable for us to continue assisting you, the anticipated duration of this process, and the associated costs.

    The fee for a Brief Consultation Session is € 90 (including VAT). This fixed rate includes office expenses. A Brief Consultation Session will be conducted through a video conference. We allocate half an hour for a Brief Consultation Session.

    Register for Brief Consultation Session


Fees and expenses

Our firm applies a standard hourly rate of € 300. This hourly rate includes office expenses and excludes VAT. Including VAT, the hourly rate amounts to € 363.

During the consultation session, an estimate is made of the number of hours involved in your case. The estimate of the number of hours involved in your case is also confirmed to you in the order confirmation.

You will be invoiced monthly after the first advance invoice based on the number of hours spent on your case in the preceding period.


Client registration form

Would you like to register your case? Call now 003120-7609369 (Amsterdam office) or 003130-2919874 (Utrecht office) (Mon to Sun 9 am to 9 pm) or fill out the form below to register your case immediately.

Meld uw zaak aan English registration form نموذج قبول العملاء

Choose your service:

Fields marked with an asterisk * must be completed.

Client intake form

We kindly request you to fill in the online intake form below if you wish to engage our law firm after your consultation session.

After receiving your intake form, we will send you an order confirmation and an invoice. After you have signed the order confirmation and paid the invoice, we will start our engagement.

Online intakeformulier English intake form

Client details


Financial details

Please upload a statement of your combined yearly gross income of two years ago as well as a statement of your current monthly gross income.

Partner details


Counterparty details



Fields marked with an asterisk * must be completed.

General Terms and Conditions

  1. Definitions
    1. Advocatenkantoor El Hannouche B.V. (Lawyers): a private limited liability company under Dutch law (besloten vennootschap) whose objective is to practice law (“El Hannouche”).
    2. Client: the natural person or legal person who engages El Hannouche to carry out work.
    3. Fee: the financial remuneration payable by the client to El Hannouche for work carried out by El Hannouche on the basis of the letter of engagement, exclusive of turnover tax (BTW) and disbursements.
    4. Disbursements: all costs incurred by El Hannouche in the performance of the engagement, including but not limited to the costs in respect of:
      1. court fees;
      2. witnesses and experts;
      3. extracts from public registers;
      4. international fax messages and international telephone calls;
      5. cause-list actions in cases dealt with by the sub-district court of the District Court;
      6. bailiffs’ activities;
      7. interpretation and translation services;
      8. couriers’ services;
      9. registered mail; and
      10. travel expenses, set at a fixed rate of EUR 0.35 per kilometre.
  2. Applicability
    1. These General Terms and Conditions apply to all instructions to be carried out by El Hannouche, including additional, supplementary and follow-up instructions and to all legal relationships of El Hannouche with third parties.
    2. These General Terms and Conditions have also been drawn up for those who are working or have been working for or with El Hannouche, whether or not under an employment contract, and third parties who have been engaged by or on behalf of El Hannouche for the performance of the engagement.
  3. Engagement
    1. All engagements are exclusively accepted by El Hannouche on the basis of a letter of engagement. This engagement will only come into effect after Al Hannouche has accepted it in writing.
    2. The performance of the engagement will be exclusively for the purpose of the client. Third parties may not derive rights from the activities of El Hannouche and the results thereof.
  4. Performance of the engagement
    1. El Hannouche is free to determine which of his personnel or third parties will be brought in for the performance of the engagement. The applicability of Article 404, Book 7 of the Dutch Civil Code (Burgerlijk Wetboek) is hereby expressly excluded.
    2. The client ensures that he makes all information and documents that El Hannouche thinks necessary to carry out the engagement or otherwise available to him in good time.
    3. All the fees, costs and lost discounts resulting from the delay in the engagement as well as the expiration of time limits caused by the not timely or proper provision of the required information and documents shall be borne by the client.
    4. El Hannouche retains the right to suspend the performance of the engagement until the time that the client has fulfilled the obligations referred to in Article 4.2.
  5. Fee
    1. The agreed fee plus the disbursements and BTW for the execution of the engagement are to be paid by the client.
    2. El Hannouche is at all times entitled to require the client to pay an advance for the work to be carried out and the costs to be incurred. The advance will be set off in the interim or at the end of the engagement.
  6. Payment
    1. Payment of invoices shall, without any deduction, discount, settlement or suspension, be made within the period indicated on the invoice and, in the absence thereof, within 7 days after date of invoice.
    2. If payment is not punctual, the client is in default without notice by El Hannouche being required. In that event, the client is obliged to pay all additional costs, including extrajudicial collection costs, that will be charged in accordance with the Extrajudicial Collection Costs (Fees) Decree (Besluit vergoeding voor buitengerechtelijke incassokosten).
    3. If payment is not punctual, El Hannouche is also authorised to suspend execution of the engagement or to terminate it with the right of retention in respect of all that he has in his possession for the client, with due regard of rule 14, paragraph 3, of the Rules of Conduct of Advocates 2018 (Gedragsregels 2018). Any liability of El Hannouche for the expiry of periods and occurrence of damage as a result of that said suspension or termination is excluded.
  7. Liability
    1. Any liability of El Hannouche arising out of or related to the execution of the engagement is limited to the amount paid out under the professional liability insurance taken out by him, plus the amount of the deductible that is to be borne by El Hannouche under that insurance.
    2. If the professional liability insurer does not proceed to payment, El Hannouche’s liability is limited to the amount that is charged as fee by him in relation to the engagement in question with a maximum of EUR 15,000.
    3. El Hannouche shall exercise due care in engaging third parties, and will consult the client in advance as much as possible. Any liability for shortcomings of these third parties is excluded.
  8. Complaints and disputes
    1. El Hannouche participates in the Complaints and Dispute Settlement Scheme for the Legal Profession of the Dutch National Bar Council (the “Dispute Rules”).
    2. All disputes as a result of the establishment and/or performance of the services of El Hannouche, including all invoice disputes, will be resolved in accordance with the Legal Profession Disputes Committee Rules (the “Rules”).
    3. If the dispute relates to an engagement of a private client, then the Rules provide for a binding opinion, unless the client applies to an ordinary court within a month after the complaint has been heard. In the case of the collection of a claim on a private client, it is only a question of a binding opinion if the client pays the outstanding amount to the Disputes Committee for the Legal Profession (“Disputes Committee”). If he fails to do so, then arbitration applies to the collection.
    4. If the dispute relates to the engagement from a business client, then the Rules provide for arbitration.
    5. The client can present the complaint to the Disputes Committee if El Hannouche fails to find a solution to any complaint over his provision of services with the client.
    6. The applicability of the Dispute Rules is established by the signing of the confirmation of engagement/intake form presented to the client by El Hannouche and in which reference is made to the rules. A further explanation of the Dispute Rules will be sent to the client at his first request.
  9. Applicable law
    1. The legal relationship to which these General Terms and Conditions apply shall be governed exclusively by Dutch law.
    2. The disputes arising out of this legal relationship will, as far as the Disputes Committee is not authorised, only be subject to and decided by the District Court for the Central Netherlands.

Download the General Terms and Conditions (, pdf)


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